When we are willing to be 100% responsible for ourselves, we can create a great life.
When we are willing to be 100% responsible for others, we can create a great world.
When we are willing to be 100% responsible for everything, we can create anything.
It is difficult to see what you're not willing to believe.
Expand what you're willing to believe
and you will expand what you're able to see.
Measure a vision by its greatness, not by the greatness of its visioner.
Life is best encountered directly.
Interpretation diminishes the experience.
Looking in our memory is a little like looking in a mirror.
We get a good view of ourselves but a limited view of anything else.
Our experience of life is determined by our version of reality.
If you're not satisfied with your version, get an upgrade.
We can have the world generate our experience,
or we can have our experience generate the world.