Seeing a mistake is uncomfortable.
Hearing about a mistake is painful.
Hiding a mistake is excruciating.
The beauty of a rainbow is only available to those willing to face the rain.
When I practice leading by authority, you can hear lots of noise.
When I practice leading by inspiration, you can see lots of miracles.
Reacting through anger is a little like driving through fog. Visibility is limited.
If you wait for the fog to clear, you’ll probably get a better view.
You’re also much less likely to get hurt.
Children ask “Why?” out of curiosity. “Why is the sky blue?” Adults ask “Why?” out of judgement. “Why didn't you tell me?”Curiosity generates learning. Judgement generates conflict.
What would life be like if we gave up judgement and replaced it with curiosity?
When we struggle for freedom FROM, we experience captivity. When we struggle for freedom TO, we experience limitation. When we choose to be free, we experience Life.
True Freedom is an internal experience. It cannot be granted, nor can it be taken away. True Freedom is something we choose, now, and now, and now, and now . . .