Today, I can collect apples, and feed myself for a day.
Today, I can give apples, and feed others for a day.
Today, I can plant an orchard, and feed a community for a lifetime.
Today, I can inspire orchard growers, and feed a nation for a generation.
Today, I can inspire inspirers, and generate the future of the world.
Yesterday, millions of us practiced gluttony and indulgence on a holiday originating from a celebration of the end of starvation.
Yesterday, 852 million people went to bed hungry.
Yesterday, more than 16,000 children died from hunger-related causes.
Close to 10 million people have starved to death this year.
Are we missing something here?
There is no pleasure in the finest food if there is hunger and starvation.
The only way to end hunger is to give up gluttony.
When we become too focused on the goal, we sometimes miss the path.
You want bigger muscles? Take bigger steps.
When people throw stones, start a collection.
You may be able to build something from them.
We can count contributions or we can contribute something that counts.
Are you counting or are you contributing?