You can't create wings if you can't imagine flight.
You want to create something new? Get imagining already!
When we believe someone else's reality, we play the sucker.
When we believe our own reality, we play the fool.
When we live like we know everything we can learn nothing.
When we live like we know nothing we can learn anything.
Denying what's so is a little like walking around with a bag over your head.
It adds to the fear, it adds to the danger, and it's much harder to breathe.
Connect with earth and access Life.
Connect with fire and access Passion.
Connect with water and access Source.
Connect with air and access Freedom.
Connect with others and access it All.
Leadership is generated.
Titles are declared.
Are you a leader or a title?
Let fear warn us of danger.
Let analysis consider our options.
Let wisdom choose our actions.
Let courage overcome our fear.All too often, we never get to wisdom or courage. We let fear choose our actions and have analysis justify the results.Let fear warn me of danger.
Let analysis consider my options.
Let wisdom choose my actions.
Let courage overcome my fear.